
What is Wellness ?

Wellness or well-being is the awareness of what is intrinsically valuable relative to someone. This means that wellness is subjective to every one of us, your well-being can never be the same as another person’s well-being. At Vigilant Living, we not only help you survive but thrive as the captain of your ship.


14 Dimensions of Holistic Living

At Vigilant Living, We believe in living a complete life by taking care of all the dimensions of health and wellness (holistic health), which are spiritual, emotional, cognitive, intellectual, relational, occupational, financial, recreational, nutritional, exercise, sleep, hormonal, medical, and environmental.

Personal growth

Vigilantliving Workshop

Attend our free 2-day workshop to learn about your strengths and weaknesses, setting SMART goals, and living a healthy purposeful life.

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Health Wealth Life

If you're facing challenges related to your health, work, education, finances, relationships, parenthood, or life in general, we're here to offer you help.


John Mwesigwa

Kampala, Uganda

I came to Vigilant Living when I was having stress and depression due to my work and relationships, They did not just help me overcome but made me more resilient for future hardships in life knowing that life will never become easier but rather that I need to become stronger.

Katushabe Sarah

Kampala, Uganda

Dealing with chronic pain was a daily battle for me. Vigilant Living provided me with a personalized pain management plan that has made a world of difference. I am now able to enjoy activities I once thought were impossible. Their expertise and support have been a true blessing.

Otim Peter

Kampala, Uganda

Addiction isn’t a disease like any other and unfortunately, there is no drug to cure it, I am just grateful to God for sending Vigilant Living my way because ever since I had sessions with them I have been making a proactive effort to cut on the addiction, changing all the bad habits and toxic relationships which were keeping it alive.

Namatovu Fatuma

Kampala, Uganda

After struggling with anxiety for years, I decided to seek help from Vigilant Living. Their compassionate approach and effective techniques have truly transformed my life. I now face challenges with confidence and live a more fulfilling, anxiety-free life.

Mugisha Alex

Kampala, Uganda

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I looked for treatment for the last 5 years, met many doctors, and was prescribed a lot of medications. However, the disease never went away, till I started working with Vigilant Living I adopted their holistic view of health, and I am happy to say that my diabetes is in remission and my whole outlook on life is more optimistic.